First impressions… say nothing. Not even second impressions. As you delve into different universes you unravel many more stars, asteroids, baby universes forming and outright destroying black holes in each of those universes. Guided by some rules (don’t know who formed them) you form opinions about everything in life. You see the world in black, white, whitish gray, blackish gray or simply gray. You do your calculations and come to decisions on this color coding and just as you are happily sailing through it all, your doctor tells you “you are colorblind!” .May be all this while you were looking at the negatives instead of the positives of the film. Perceptions change… Change is what drives our lives. And this perplexity of not being able to see the right from the wrong, the not-so-right from the not-so-wrong leads to the ever-prevailing state of “Confusion Suprême”. Certainty is an endangered species these days. Anchors have long been obsolete. No doubt that the human mind has evolved so highly so as to tackle the entanglement. But what about fellow mortals who still have many knots in their lives…
What about those marooned shipmen who still swim in the whirlpools of confusion… May be they just live with their beloved Confusion like you do with a stray cockroach in your kitchen…
©Manashi Pathak