Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Does God believe in himself?

Majority of the humanity worship a Power considered more powerful than any known thing or phenomenon. It is popularly known as God. Believers have the faith "Whatever happens, happens for good", "He knows best" , "He has something written for everyone"(Hugest scriptwritter with a lot under His belt and many more to come!!?). These phrases dipped in the syrup of faith are spelt with the sole aim to euphemise some terrible, unwanted, devastating, earth shattering event. If we take for a surety that such a Power exists, if He has schemes for every living being then how do we(He?) explain a sudden unnatural loss... a loss to good people...who never deserved such pain and agony. He is believed to be the ultimate Justice... the Leveller... then how do we explain all the injustice?...Did He doze off then? Or was He just too busy with the new scripting or something that He didnt notice the heating milk spilling over the stove?! and when He, the infalliable, does err(whereas right to err lies with the mortals), whom does He turn to, whom does He answer or does He just flip the page and move on like an obnoxious brat? Too many questions here and i don't even know whom am I asking...but going by the script he has woven for me and my near and dear ones, i am bound to question His own belief in His deeds, in Himself.