Monday, November 19, 2012


The damn Bills
Sucking away your life,
It kills

O Yeah, we need the electricity
And the internet, O We do
And nobody will give it free,
We pay up, me and you

Now then, why we question
If money were not the reason…
Why did we believe in the first place?
It is but the means to meet the horizon

Now we wake up in the morn…
Life sucks as if it’s a corn…
But then, the chirping birds are music
And the flowers weave their magic…

Yes, money cant buy you happiness…
If you decide to be sad…
But if you cherish a luxury condo…
Why is it so bad???

A cuppa tea in an earthen cup…
Gives me pleasure as much as a martini…
I can sit by the platform smiling watching the chimney smoke..
And can scream out loud from the Lamborghini..

Happiness as we know it
Is a state of mind…
No harm in loving the Moh Maya
And no glory either in leaving everything behind…

It’s a choice at the end of it…
Be sure of what you ask…
Coz life is a mirror of your dreams…
Switch on the lights and bask…

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