Sunday, February 12, 2023

In This Together

 I dont have anything to say

That has not been said before

Our journeys are on different roads

May be they meet to say au revoir

Someone is running away to find some peace

Someone is floating in the breeze

Someone waiting on the past

And time rolls by fast

Someone is sorted yet fighting to be good

Good enough for his daughter

Someone is recreating the life 

With someone else together

Someone is caring for her ailing mother

And yet we smile for each other

Someone knows what she wants

But life has never been fair

Someone strives to be perfect

Needing just a lil bit of care...

Someone searches for a meaning to this life

And the struggles may look different but the pain, we share...

So, be a little kind to each other

Be a shoulder to another

A hug is much more than a greeting

We gotta keep our hearts beating...

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